Professional headshot of David J Felix with a moustache. He is wearing a grey tech t-shirt and is handsomely smiling with brilliantly white teeth showing. He has blonde hair, short on the sides with a wavy swoosh of longer hair on top parted to the side. He is looking at the photographer with blue eyes. You recognize him as a very attractive person who writes descriptive alt text.

David J Felix

Testing the blog card

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shoulder landjaeger corned beef filet mignon ball tip sausage tail tri-tip. Pork chop ground round rump strip steak venison. Jerky t-bone picanha flank, chicken ground round prosciutto chislic pastrami kevin rump bresaola buffalo. Capicola shank jowl t-bone beef. Shankle pancetta jerky short ribs bacon pic...

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Testing the blog card

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shoulder landjaeger corned beef filet mignon ball tip sausage tail tri-tip. Pork chop ground round rump strip steak venison. Jerky t-bone picanha flank, chicken ground round prosciutto chislic pastrami kevin rump bresaola buffalo. Capicola shank jowl t-bone beef. Shankle pancetta jerky short ribs bacon pic...

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